The Misfit Revolution

Tired of not fitting in? This one’s for you.
It’s 2021. We have access to information that our predecessors could not have imagined. We have channels to connect with people from all walks of life and even around the world. Why are outdated social constructs still glorified?
Think of all the quirky things that you love about the people around you. Maybe it’s the passion with which your wife talks about the stars. Or the way your father stutters while telling his life’s stories, an indication that he is filled with emotion. The way your best friend snorts when she giggles. And the many shades of your kind neighbor’s skin- the vitiligo on beautiful display, in full glory. You love these things about them, don’t you?
So why then do you dismiss your inner nerd? Why do you hide the curves of your body? Why do you hold back who you really are?
It’s time to end that.
Let’s celebrate the things that make us unique. It could be our appearances, our habits, our sexuality or even our style. It could be the way we talk. The way we dance. The choices that we make. See yourself through the same loving lense that you extend to others.
Instead of shrinking to fit a box, why not grow tall and wide, occupy space, be who you want to be?
Make your mark.
Because we don’t know if you got the memo but, not fitting in, is the new fitting in.