The Friends with Benefits Checklist

Imagine you’re at a point in your life that you’ve always wanted to be. Fiercely independent, free and completely in control. No one dictates what you do, you reign over all your own decisions, and all the years of hustling have finally paid off.
You’re really enjoying this time with yourself and would prefer not to share this bliss with anyone. But…you’d also really like to have more sex.
While random casual encounters might sound intimidating, being in a serious relationship could also be unappealing. So is having a friend with benefits, right for you?
By definition, having friends with benefits (FWB) involves an understanding of sharing physical intimacy without any other commitments. At all. In a way it is the concept of satisfying certain desires without strings.
Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it?
But as many personal stories, books and movies will tell us, the FWB relationship can get complicated if communication is not involved through every step.
Have no fear— we’ve curated a list of 5 things we think are essential to check off before walking into a FWB deal:
- Ask yourself if you have any other feelings (besides physical attraction) towards your potential partner. If you’re agreeing to become FWB just to have a connection with someone you want much more with, consider communicating your real feelings or taking a step back.
- You really don’t want a more meaningful relationship. This one seems to be a no brainer but it’s important to be honest with yourself. In theory, a FWB sounds fun, but deep down, if you’re looking for anything more, consider avoiding the potential heartbreak and disappointment.
- You and your potential partner are on the same page with the terms of your FWB ordeal. We can’t emphasize this one enough. Follow one simple rule: communicate exactly what you want the nature of your relationship to be.
- Enjoy yourself . With no strings, the FWB situation should be as problem-free as possible. It’s all about enjoying physical contact and the sex (and orgasms).
- Understand that your partner may not be monogamous. Having no commitments also means that you and your partner are free to do what you chose to do in every aspect of your lives. This also means that you should always practice safe sex!
Really though, having friends with benefits is a wonderful way to fulfill your sexual desires, especially when a serious relationship is nowhere on your agenda. With honesty, open communication and a whole lot of naughty in the mix, a FWB relationship could be very fulfilling (pun intended)—Especially when all you want is a lot of good sex!