Tips on how to drink more water

Sometimes we tend to let our lives live us, instead of the other way around, don’t you think?
And while we are so consumed and wildly fascinated with the complicated, in depth affairs of our day-to-day, we forget the basics.
You and I and alot of us have been guilty of this…we forget to drink water, a little too often.
While a coffee or a yummy smoothie to quench that thirst sounds better, nothing will hydrate you the way water will.
I actually find myself craving water but the need too often translates to choosing another liquid. The alternatives never quite hit the spot though. What my body actually requires is the basics of the basics…a good old glass of H2O.
Water balances the fluids in our body as upto 60% of our beings are made of it. Being well hydrated is good for our brain, muscles, skin, kidneys and our bowel movement. Water, like food, gives us energy to sustain ourselves.
Infact, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends a total of 2-3 liters of water per day.
How the hell do you do that?
Here are some ways you can increase your water intake.
- Carry your own personal water bottle. (it’s also a safer option)
- Create a schedule so you don’t forget to drink water.
- Choose a bottle size you are most comfortable with.
- Try using a straw.
- Make sure that there is a water bottle in each room of your house, making it easy to access.
- Stick to a recommended daily amount, the longer you keep this up the easier it gets.
- Figure out a temperature you like to drink your water.
- If you prefer flavoured drinks then maybe add some cucumbers, lime or mint in your water.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables with higher water content (it does count).
- Consume water before waiting to get thirsty.
- If you like drinking juices, dilute them with added water.
- When you’re at a restaurant, save both money and calories by ordering water as your drink.
- Keep a water intake journal.
- Drink one glass of water before every meal.
- Drink water throughout the day as compared to at one go.
It’s honestly just a matter of making drinking more water a habit. Once it becomes a part of your essential routine, keeping up with your water intake is addicting.
Your mind and body will thank you for it– who doesn’t want a clear head, glowing skin and improved overall health?