What happens when we kiss?

Ah the goosebump-inducing magic of two mouths meeting. A body buzzing phenomenon…
When lover’s lips unite, a series of physical, mental and cosmic reactions occur simultaneously. Some would argue, it is one of a very few universally experienced magical moments.
I would have to say, I agree.
Unsurprisingly, there is some actual research on this tongue-dance through desire and there’s a term for it–Philematology is the science of kissing!
So what truly happens when we kiss (with consent)?
Smooching can be considered an animal instinct. Helen Fisher, PhD, professor of anthropology at Rutgers University, and author of The Sex Contract and Anatomy of Love, says quite a few animals kiss in their own ways. The list includes insects, chimpanzees, moles, rats , cats, dogs and even elephants. Fisher also observed that 90% of human societies kiss.
Romantically, the act can potentially create a bond between beings. Pheromones can be released and picked up by both partners.Our pupils dilate and our heart rate increases. Kissing the right individual, can land you with a potential mate (if that’s what you’re looking for).
It also helps you destress. According to Wendy Hill, dean of the faculty and a professor of neuroscience at Lafayette College, “Both men and women had a decline in cortisol after smooching, an indication their stress levels declined.”
In a study with 52 healthy adults that were in relationships, the group that was instructed to increase their rate of kissing, “ experienced improvements in perceived stress, relationship satisfaction, and total serum cholesterol.” Yep, it can even influence your lipid levels.
As gross as it sounds, the extra saliva from the wet exchange cleans your teeth, helping to break down oral plaque. It can also tone up your facial muscles and burn upto 6.4 calories a minute.
But my favorite effect is the fact that kissing simply feels good. The release of love hormone oxytocin is the scientific explanation, and a burst of euphoria is my spiritual definition.