10 tips to practice safe sex

Some of these are obvious. Some may surprise you.
All of them though, are some of our essentials when you do the deed.
Here are 10 tips to practice for safe sex.
- Consent
Before things get heated, it’s important that all involved partners are on the same page. Contrary to popular belief, you will not ruin the mood while assuring (and reassuring) that your acts are consensual. Never skip this one.
- Protection
Whether a new fling or with a long term partner, discussing and using forms of protection is a big yes. Utilizing forms of birth control that you’re both most comfortable with is an essential part of safe sex. Sex is magical and wonderful, and making sure you’re safe though the fun, allows for safer sex!
- Foreplay
Good sex is more than just penetration and orgasms. Taking the time to build the tension is not only sexy but also good for you. “Foreplay serves a physical and emotional purpose, helping prepare both mind and body for sex. Many women need to be kissed, hugged, and caressed to create lubrication in the vagina, which is important for comfortable intercourse.”
- Get tested for STIs and STDs
Follow one simple rule: If you’re engaging in any form of sexual activity, it is always a good idea to stay on top of regular health screenings.
- Sober sex is the safest.
If you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol and there’s a chance that you’re impaired, consider abstaining from the deed.
- Communicate your boundaries.
Part of intimacy is getting to know each other, even specific things that you like or don’t like in the bedroom. Setting clear boundaries and communicating your interests is very hot.
- Take your time.
Taking it at your own pace is a necessary part of making sure sex is enjoyable for everyone involved.
- Choose partners who are on the same page.
Practicing and discussing safe sex is non negotiable. It will be worth your while to consider engaging with those that understand, respect and practice that.
- Make sex a regular conversation.
Talking about sex should be a regular part of discussion with intimate partners. Sex is less scary and therefore safer if we are not ashamed of it.
- Integrate safe sex practices just sex.
Instead of making it an interruption in your heated moments, make it part of the sex. For example: The put on a condom moment.
We firmly believe that sex is one of the better aspects of life and living. And while the list above may appear intimidating, all of them are meant to help.
We want you to be able to dive into your moment, so keeping these in mind are simple steps on the journey.
Cheers to more (safe) sex!