How physical health and mental health are linked.

It’s funny how we don’t see the link between our mind and body. I often wonder what led to us looking at both as different entities and not all as a part of one.
What I have observed is the isolated focus on the body has maybe led to the neglect of the mind. Also, how can one forget the big stigma attached to mental health being a big contributing factor..
The link between the mind and body is a two way route. We all know that our brain controls our body by sending signals, but what some of us might not know is that the body also sends signals to the brain in various ways, through every system.I’m going to try and bring your attention to these ways, which link them.
We all know that all our systems are linked via our nervous system i.e. immune system, endocrine system, respiratory, circulatory etc. Therefore, when anything happens to you, all of these systems are alarmed and are involved in looking into the matter. The main purpose of all these systems is to maintain balance in you. Infact, the brain ensures the systems do their job in doing so.
Now when there is an imbalance in the mind or the body, the systems act up and bring about changes to attempt bringing it back to balance and any kind of stress can bring about a disbalance.
So, to understand how the mind controls the body or vice versa, let’s see the effect of stress on an individual. Please note, the brain looks at physical stress and psychological stress in the same way.
Stress is observed as a threat by your body & mind, which triggers our threat response. This natural threat response of ours, with the help of nerve signals and hormonal release, brings about a cascade of changes in the body.
Mind you, this response was programmed into our body to protect us from threats like dogs running to bite you, natural calamities, some object coming at you, etc. So, the cascade of changes observed are the ones needed for one to be able to deal with such a threat. That is the flight- fight response.
During this response, the neuroendocrine system and the autonomic nervous system are activated, as a result of which stress hormone (cortisol) is released. This hormone then signals various other systems leading to an increase in adrenaline, increase in heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar, lowers your immune response, lowers blood supply to the gut & vital organs and instead, sends more supply to your limbs as they would need it to fight or flight the threat.
This is the body’s program to deal with a threat. There is so much that happens behind the scenes, on auto-pilot. That is how intricately linked your mind and body are. They work as partners.
Now this is great, as long as the stressors leave and the body gets to go back to its normal state. But when stressors are always present and you constantly feel under attack, that fight-or-flight reaction stays turned on.
This can cause disorders in all of the connected systems as they don’t receive the sufficient nutrients and blood supply. Which often leads to inflammations, as our immune system is also lowered in this threat response. Chronic inflammation can cause chronic disorders like hypertension, diabetes, etc.
Various studies have shown the relationship between chronic inflammation and depression as well. Additionally, research also observed how many chronic diseases are prone to developing depression.
Now that we have understood the stress connection between the mind and body, let’s look at the nourishing and growing connections of the mind and body.
This too, works along a feedback mechanism. Your body sends signals back to the brain and makes it aware of the activity going on in your body. When there is nourishing activity going on in the body, the same feedback is sent to the brain which registers that you are nourishing, therefore releasing more signals for growth.
(Example: Physical activity and a good diet leads to release of various happy hormones like serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, oxytocin & growth hormone which helps in maintaining a healthy mental state and helps in growth of the body.)
So, if I had to put it in simple words, I would say that the body knows what’s happening in the mind and the mind knows what’s happening in the body. They constantly communicate with each other through feedback mechanisms. It’s quite a strong relationship like that. 🙂
Here are a few ways you can make sure this relationship between the mind and body stays healthy and flourishing:
- Regular physical activity
- A good diet
- Managing your stress – Being aware of your stressors and making sure you learn how to deal with them.
- Taking breaks (mentally + physically).
- Healthy relationships
- Healthy relationship with self (includes self care and healthy self esteem)
- Working on dealing with emotional issues
- Therapy for mind & body
- Work- life balance
So, my lovely ones, your body and mind are very intelligent and truly know everything. Try not to neglect them and take them for granted. Take good care of yourself, because you definitely got a good team to work with. 🙂