Mental Wealth: Investing in Your Emotional Bank Account

Feeling emotionally bankrupt? It’s time to make some deposits into your mental wealth account! 💡

  • Spend time with your interest friends—people who fuel your passions.
  • Budget your energy: Stop giving unlimited withdrawals to people who drain you.
  • Splurge on self-care: Bubble baths, journaling, or even binge-watching your favorite series.
  • Healthy Relationships: Spend time with your “interest friends”—the ones who lift you up and share your passions. Avoid those who overdraft your energy.
  • Energy Budgeting: Set boundaries for your time and attention. Remember, “No” is a full sentence. 🙅‍♀️
  • Splurge Smartly: Treat yourself to things that make you genuinely happy—be it a solo date, a hobby class, or a lazy Sunday.

Your mental health is your greatest asset. Invest wisely, and watch it grow! 

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