Abhay Gupta

Do You Really NEED Maths?

“When will I ever use maths in my adult life anyway?” Hi there! I’m a maths teacher and I get asked this question a lot – whenever I shake hands with another adult or whenever I start teaching a fresh batch of teens who want to give up mathematics in their academic career altogether.  It’s become such a prevalent regularly…

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The animal instinct in me

People are animals but not exactly. In fact, we’re actually really bad at being animals. We can’t run very fast. We don’t have fur. We don’t have claws. We don’t have venom or horns or any natural weapons. We couldn’t take most animals in one-on-one combat. Strength-wise, we get body-checked by so many animals that it’s a true wonder we…

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Simp. Pussy. Fattu. Lallu. Chakka.What was your reaction to these words? Was it disgust? Fear? Anger? How about shame? If you’re a cis man, you likely felt this intimately and directly. You likely felt scared that, one day, you might get accused of being one or more of these words.They’re words commonly used by men against men who deviate from…

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Disabilities and Accessibility in India

PradeepGaurs / Shutterstock.com Everyone knows someone who is a person with a disability, in some way. It could be due to disease, it could be an injury, it could be old age. It could be permanent or temporary. Some of you might even identify with this and directly relate. Some of you have cared for someone with a disability. My…

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Bodily autonomy: A male perspective

It’s a shame that we live in a world where the notion of a woman being entitled the basic human right to bodily autonomy is still somehow a controversial take. Texas recently passed a bill that bans abortions after 6 weeks and a pro-life organization called Texas Right To Life offered $10,000 cash to any citizen of the state for…

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Electronics for Elders

Photo by Katie Franklin on Unsplash A Do-It-Yourself Guide When I first decided to become a teacher, my mum suggested I practice first by teaching my dadi how to use her smartphone. It made sense at the time, my dadi was 90 years old and couldn’t use any tech more advanced than a small analog cellphone with fat ridged buttons,…

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Living with ADHD

Photo by alevision.co on Unsplash Hey, fun fact: did you know that people with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) don’t actually have a deficit in attention so much as a fundamental issue regulating and distributing that attention correctly? It’s a misnomer, essentially, in fact, even the hyperactivity part isn’t as common as you’d think, nor does it look the way…

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Why the future should be more female

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash Female entrepreneurs? In this climate? Outrageous! Think again. Welcome to the girl boss era, the newest flavour of the decade, the hashtag of the hour! Ever wondered how we are doing with gender equality of female leadership in 2021? Well, I took a look at the 6th Economic Census by The Ministry of Statistics and…

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Learning to Do It Yourself

Photo by Alexandru-Bogdan Ghita on Unsplash The first time I learned how to make my own breakfast was just over a year ago, when the pandemic first slammed into us and survival became our new way of life. If your first thought to this statement was, “Typical privileged middle UC boy, can’t even make eggs,” you’d be very valid in…

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