Shanaya Tata

10 tips to practice safe sex

Some of these are obvious. Some may surprise you.  All of them though, are some of our essentials when you do the deed.  Here are 10 tips to practice for safe sex.  Before things get heated, it’s important that all involved partners are on the same page. Contrary to popular belief, you will not ruin the mood while assuring (and…

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Sexual Fantasies

In my experience, no matter how conservative or liberal, simplistic or complicated, bold or reserved we might be, we all have a kinky side to us. That smirk on your face proves my point. I’m here to tell you that having naughty thoughts or even elaborate fantasies is not only normal, but also healthy. Social psychologist Justin Lehmiller says that…

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Our favorite gender neutral erogenous zones

Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash If you find your partner’s pleasure intimidating and complicated, and never really know where to start, this one’s for you. Here’s your introduction to the world of erogenous zones. For context, “Erogenous zones are parts of the body that are more sensitive to pleasurable touch and can be stimulated more readily than other parts of the body…

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“Unique is beautiful”

Cover of Unique is Beautiful – India by Abhishek Golecha The human race is complex, diverse and abundant. In an ideal world, there would be a place for everyone— we would no longer discriminate against each other, whether it has to do with our religion, caste or the way we look. Although the world is changing, we still tend to…

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