
The Power of Remote Healing: Bridging Gaps and Connecting Souls

In recent years, remote healing has emerged as a compelling and controversial topic, captivating the attention of both believers and skeptics alike. This practice, also known as distance healing, involves healing someone from a distance without any physical interaction. Remote healing techniques encompass various modalities, including energy healing, prayer, Reiki, and other spiritual practices. While some people dismiss it as…

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How to be an ally to transgender and non binary people

“The way a trans person experiences living in their body in this world isn’t something one can imagine without being trans. Assumptions and misrepresentation of trans identities is the biggest deterrent to ensuring equality for trans lives worldwide. The only true way to be an ally is to listen and take our word for it.”, said Durga Gawde (them/they), an…

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The Rise of Situationships: Why Gen Z Prefers Ambiguity over Traditional Relationships

In the ever-evolving landscape of dating and relationships, Gen Z, the generation born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, has significantly challenged traditional norms. While the concept of love and companionship remains timeless, a new trend has emerged known as “situationships.” A situationship is a more casual and ambiguous connection between two people, blending elements of friendship, romance, and physical…

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Understanding the Essence of Feminine Divine Energy

Feminine Divine Energy, often referred to as the Sacred Feminine, is a spiritual concept that encompasses the inherent qualities and power associated with the feminine aspects of the universe. It goes beyond gender, acknowledging the importance of nurturing, compassion, intuition, and interconnectedness. Embracing this energy allows individuals to tap into a deeper understanding of themselves and their connection to the…

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7 Life Lessons from Lord Krishna

Lord Krishna, a central figure in Hindu mythology, is revered as the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. His life is chronicled in the ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata, and his teachings are enshrined in the Bhagavad Gita. Krishna’s wisdom and actions have left an indelible mark on humanity, offering timeless lessons that transcend religious boundaries. Let’s delve into seven profound…

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Why you should own a vibrator

My first real introduction to the world of vibrators was fairly recent. One of my best friends decided to buy one for herself and her natural instinct was to get one for me, too. If you know me, you know this makes sense. Throughout my life, I had the privilege of being in many sex poitive spaces, which basically means…

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Manly Crying and Why We Should Do it More

Have you ever heard of manly tears? It’s such a strange concept, isn’t it? It’s the world’s most persistent farce that water from eyes can be gendered, and yet we still have boys and men being socialized and conditioned to suppress a very natural emotional response, for no tangible identifiable reason. Men in ancient lore were copious criers from King…

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English Hinglish

Excuse me, do you speak English? Of course you do, you’re reading this, aren’t you? Thank goodness! iF u TyP lyk dis, pls swipe left, thx <<< But hold on a moment, you read that sentence fine, didn’t you? Sure the spelling was haywire- DM-speak but it was still readable, wasn’t it? What’s the problem then? Why do I need…

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